Monday, November 17, 2014

One Year Later

It was less than a year ago that I immersed myself into the world of Twitter, as an educator that is.  I've had an account since 2010, but never got into it.   Every now and then, I would follow a news network and a few sports teams.  I kept hearing about Twitter from various sources and but I didn't really see the point of it all.  I was especially intrigued whenever a teacher mentioned that it was a great tool for PD, but for the life of me I couldn't see how social media could be used for PD.  I finally decided to check it out for professional purposes.  Like an ELL newcomer in silent period, I lurked for sometime and then I got hooked.  Not only is my use of Twitter different one year later, but also my followers and those I follow are not the same.  I've also become more careful and deliberate about those I follow.  My PLN has grown to include educators around the world.  I have evolved in my thinking, teaching and learning.  I'm more curious and more reflective.  I'm also less fearful of failure and am willing to take more risks.

One thing that is very different from a year ago that I'm grateful for is this blog.  Last spring, I took the plunge and created a blog.  I wrote a couple of posts, but it wasn't until I accepted the Teach Thought blogging challenge in September that I began to write on a regular basis.  Although daily blogging is taking its toll, I'm up for the challenge and I'm enjoying it.  I especially like November's topics.  I'm all about having an attitude of gratitude, so in the midst of all the busyness, I make time to write out my thoughts.  Best of all, I'm inspired by reading everyone else's posts and learning from others' experiences.

One year later, I'm now a tweeting teacher, a connected educator, a reflective blogger and today I signed up for my first EdCamp.  I'm so grateful for all these experiences but I'm especially grateful for how I have evolved as an educator and I believe the best is yet to come.  Still a cocoon in the hopes of evolving into a beautiful butterfly.


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